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Part 107 pilots beware, Skydio is NOT your friend

If you were the pilot of a manned aircraft at a low altitude on approach or takeoff or a member of a firefighting aircrew flying low over a fire you might not find the FAA's stance silly at all.

Automatically being able a limit a drones altitude is technically possible but it still would leave open the possibility of collisions when a manned aircraft is in any of the above two situations.
There’s no way you are allowed to fly close to any airport unless you’re not following the FAA guidelines. We need to be at least 1.5 NM from airport to get any authorization to fly the drone, and at specific heights that the airport is allowing. That is constantly being changed based on winds and direction of landing and take offs.
additionally I agree with the lad earlier saying, if my S2 with OA and in AI tracking mode surpassing its 40FT max flight hitting any manned aircraft is close to none, unless that aircraft is actually in crash mode. Well then it’s almost rear ends you while driving a car imho.
But yes, we can have any talks whatsoever, but they need to amend the law.
I’m leveraging Kittyhawk app to help me with all the legality and distances from the airport.

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