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Skydio has disabled purchases from outside the US or it just decided to stop Skydio 2 production?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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Hi, I've tried today to get a reservation - several times with few credit cards (non-US issued) and wasn't able to complete the order. Technically saying, it was sending me a confirmation of purchase and in few seconds it also made a cancellation and money were returning back to the credit card.

Also a cancellation of order and 'refund' email was also coming through to email.

Could someone else who use non-US and non-Canadian issued credit cards confirm they also experience same issue? It started to happen since 1st of June, as on 30 or 31st of May I was able to purchase an item without issue.

This the response I got on the opened ticket:

Mike (Skydio)

Jun 2, 2021, 11:10 AM PDT

Your order was canceled because it failed our third-party fraud checks. This may be due to the different addresses and payment types you are using.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept payment from cards outside of the US or Canada because our products aren't certified outside of those territories. Do you have a card with either a US or Canadian billing address? If not, your current form of payment will not work.
Be sure to read the important materials linked below.
Last edited:
Yeah, there's some limits on this. You can use a buddy you trust in the US/Canada.
Meaning ?
well, it is sad that such an amazing drone is being restricted from use outside US/Canada. I cant get this especially if Skydio position itself as competitor of DJI. DJI is flooding the market all around the globe with its drones. You want to buy something else but DJI is e-v-e-r-yhwere. And Skydio is adding to it by its own actions - restricting purchases to only 2 countries. Is that reasonable if they'd want to outnumber DJI... IMHO for a non-US/CA citizen - definitely no.
well, it is sad that such an amazing drone is being restricted from use outside US/Canada. I cant get this especially if Skydio position itself as competitor of DJI. DJI is flooding the market all around the globe with its drones. You want to buy something else but DJI is e-v-e-r-yhwere. And Skydio is adding to it by its own actions - restricting purchases to only 2 countries. Is that reasonable if they'd want to outnumber DJI... IMHO for a non-US/CA citizen - definitely no.
Got ya,thanks ?
well, it is sad that such an amazing drone is being restricted from use outside US/Canada. I cant get this especially if Skydio position itself as competitor of DJI. DJI is flooding the market all around the globe with its drones. You want to buy something else but DJI is e-v-e-r-yhwere. And Skydio is adding to it by its own actions - restricting purchases to only 2 countries. Is that reasonable if they'd want to outnumber DJI... IMHO for a non-US/CA citizen - definitely no.
It really looks to me like consumer level products is not and probably never has been their end game. They are after the military and civil contracts. The S2 from looking at software fit and finish is more of a beta testing ground. I will be surprised to ever see a new device from them. Software is half baked and poorly designed, infrequent updates to firmware and software, not that i am a habitual updater its more of a gauge to the pulse of the companies interest in the product and its user base.
There are a lot of users that are shocked to find out this great device can not even do a basic orbit of an inanimate object like a grain elevator! Its got all the components required for this skill and its still not able too, clearly they have moved on and a military / civil only business model is the future.
If you look at the development time for the SD2, about 4 years from the SD1, then figure that once that was released they developed a commercial platform that was recently released and I'm not surprised they haven't changed the drone for a newer version, the company is small and that's going to impact the update process. DJI kicks out a new drone pretty frequently but they have far more employees SD does. 250 vs 14,000 last count. Besides DJI the others aren't shattering any records releasing new drones. If they release another drone there's allot more constraints to make it legal. No doubt everyone is working to crack that nut, so far nothing is currently being sold that meet the upcoming changes. There's been nothing but speculation to indicate they are done with consumer drones or that its not a important focus but if they are I'd be willing to bet it's got more to do with the new regs then their desire to continue selling to the public.
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This is all speculation at best of course. Humans are a fickle bunch and we are only as good as our last screw up in each others eyes! There are a dozen to one complaints about no reply emails or replies that take months before they hear from Skydio. If your goal is consumer level sales call me crazy but wouldn't these be your first priority? And yes I speak from experience on this front. my drone is still mia with them after a month of drama. In less time then this i crashed a mavic emailed DJI and had a new one to my door. Yes they have twice the infrastructure twice the staff and cash to burn but this is the bar Skydio must aim for to excel! To be the best you must compete at a level that will propel your business beyond the raining champions abilities and keep it there.
Seems to me to be simple math really.
Hi, I've tried today to get a reservation - several times with few credit cards (non-US issued) and wasn't able to complete the order. Technically saying, it was sending me a confirmation of purchase and in few seconds it also made a cancellation and money were returning back to the credit card.

Also a cancellation of order and 'refund' email was also coming through to email.
View attachment 380

Could someone else who use non-US and non-Canadian issued credit cards confirm they also experience same issue? It started to happen since 1st of June, as on 30 or 31st of May I was able to purchase an item without issue.

This the response I got on the opened ticket:
View attachment 381

Mike (Skydio)

Jun 2, 2021, 11:10 AM PDT

Your order was canceled because it failed our third-party fraud checks. This may be due to the different addresses and payment types you are using.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept payment from cards outside of the US or Canada because our products aren't certified outside of those territories. Do you have a card with either a US or Canadian billing address? If not, your current form of payment will not work.
Be sure to read the important materials linked below.
Sounds pretty straight forward to me, they don't (or are no longer able to) accept CC payments from outside continental North America. Do w/e you have to to get an in country credit card with an in country billing address.... you may also have to use an in country shipping address.
Get some American or Canadian friends.
Meaning ?
Trix are for kids silly rabbit lol j/k

you need to get some friends in US or CA who will agree to be the middle men.
Be careful as under certain situations this in itself may be illegal.
You never said what country you're in?
The US government has a list of countries we are not allowed to export certain technologies to, ANYONE who does, a middleman "friend" even faces serious federal prosecution as this becomes a national security issue.
Do some research, 1st find out of your country is on that list. If it is, give up. If not then pursue legal options.

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