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This video will change a lot of minds


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2019
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Encourage anyone that's ordered a Skydio2 (and even those that have not) to watch this video.

The video goes over "many" good and bad points of the current S2 only now coming to light.

4 very well known drone pilots sit down and discuss both the good and bad of what they now know about the S2.

P.S. Thought OriginaldoBo's comment about piloting the S2's was like "flying fpv with bumpers on" was hilarious.
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Sounds like your talking yourself out of it. Are you going to ask for your hundred bucks back?
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I was thinking of canceling my order, from some of the videos I’ve watched reception up close was poor.

Maybe wait for Skydio 3,

Sounds like your talking yourself out of it. Are you going to ask for your hundred bucks back?
Less chance now then ever before.
I see a tremendous upside in believing in Skydio's future.
Anyone want to sell me their place in line...
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I was thinking of canceling my order, from some of the videos I’ve watched reception up close was poor.

Maybe wait for Skydio 3,

That would be like selling shares of Microsoft stock before it ever went public... no time to be cautious.
I guess it boils down to your expectations based on what your used to and comfortable with.
Agree 100% ... if you sleep well each night you've made the right choice.

Nice to see you over here and not brainwashed and told what is good for you over there. Like you I have high hopes for the S2, I shall remain open minded and skeptical at the same time.

I feel the SD2 will have more impact on guys like Ridefreak and myself because it's what we do, high speed vehicle follow. We understand the challenges of high speed, elevation changes, obstacles.... Walking through a mountain trail from behind is easy in comparison.

Photographers, Real Estate, Inspectors.... don't have experience with a device barometer, GPS to GPS Follow, Optical framing....... and don't need too. I hear over and over on the other forums "I don't use that feature - I'll never use Follow - I don't want autonomous flight...).

So really if you don't have the need DJI fits the bill. In my opinion adding world class obstacle avoidance to a aerial photography platform can only make it better. DJI has had years to develop excellent cameras, Ocusynch - Lightbridge, VPS, etc... so DJI offers a solid platform for what these consumers want.

If the P4P or M2P had S2 OA who wouldn't buy it? Reality is it will take Skydio some time to have mature cameras, Wi-Fi link.... my concern is if they get there. DJI is famous for bullying the market(as is their right) and driving out upstarts. I would say the Follow capabilities appeal to the minority of the market , not many users. Commercial, S&R, Military, AP want what DJI has and will only switch over if the OA Safe bubble adds functionality.

I think Skydio is being taken seriously by the market, including DJI. Not since Wang visited, and tried to buy, 3DR was DJI scared of a competitor. Yuneec, Autel, Parrot are all great products IMO and do many things better than DJI but have not had an affect on DJI.

So I'm not scared away at all, I embrace this new technology and will give SD a chance. What they are doing is bold and the only thing that will shake up the status quo which is DJI repackaging current and old technology. It's risky but risk vs return, they may become another memory but they might spur a new generation of safe consumer drone.
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Nice to see you over here and not brainwashed and told what is good for you over there. Like you I have high hopes for the S2, I shall remain open minded and skeptical at the same time.

I feel the SD2 will have more impact on guys like Ridefreak and myself because it's what we do, high speed vehicle follow. We understand the challenges of high speed, elevation changes, obstacles.... Walking through a mountain trail from behind is easy in comparison.

Photographers, Real Estate, Inspectors.... don't have experience with a device barometer, GPS to GPS Follow, Optical framing....... and don't need too. I hear over and over on the other forums "I don't use that feature - I'll never use Follow - I don't want autonomous flight...).

So really if you don't have the need DJI fits the bill. In my opinion adding world class obstacle avoidance to a aerial photography platform can only make it better. DJI has had years to develop excellent cameras, Ocusynch - Lightbridge, VPS, etc... so DJI offers a solid platform for what these consumers want.

If the P4P or M2P had S2 OA who wouldn't buy it? Reality is it will take Skydio some time to have mature cameras, Wi-Fi link.... my concern is if they get there. DJI is famous for bullying the market(as is their right) and driving out upstarts. I would say the Follow capabilities appeal to the minority of the market , not many users. Commercial, S&R, Military, AP want what DJI has and will only switch over if the OA Safe bubble adds functionality.

I think Skydio is being taken seriously by the market, including DJI. Not since Wang visited, and tried to buy, 3DR was DJI scared of a competitor. Yuneec, Autel, Parrot are all great products IMO and do many things better than DJI but have not had an affect on DJI.

So I'm not scared away at all, I embrace this new technology and will give SD a chance. What they are doing is bold and the only thing that will shake up the status quo which is DJI repackaging current and old technology. It's risky but risk vs return, they may become another memory but they might spur a new generation of safe consumer drone.
Well thought out and quite insightful.
Nice to see you over here and not brainwashed and told what is good for you over there. Like you I have high hopes for the S2, I shall remain open minded and skeptical at the same time.

I feel the SD2 will have more impact on guys like Ridefreak and myself because it's what we do, high speed vehicle follow. We understand the challenges of high speed, elevation changes, obstacles.... Walking through a mountain trail from behind is easy in comparison.

Photographers, Real Estate, Inspectors.... don't have experience with a device barometer, GPS to GPS Follow, Optical framing....... and don't need too. I hear over and over on the other forums "I don't use that feature - I'll never use Follow - I don't want autonomous flight...).

So really if you don't have the need DJI fits the bill. In my opinion adding world class obstacle avoidance to a aerial photography platform can only make it better. DJI has had years to develop excellent cameras, Ocusynch - Lightbridge, VPS, etc... so DJI offers a solid platform for what these consumers want.

If the P4P or M2P had S2 OA who wouldn't buy it? Reality is it will take Skydio some time to have mature cameras, Wi-Fi link.... my concern is if they get there. DJI is famous for bullying the market(as is their right) and driving out upstarts. I would say the Follow capabilities appeal to the minority of the market , not many users. Commercial, S&R, Military, AP want what DJI has and will only switch over if the OA Safe bubble adds functionality.

I think Skydio is being taken seriously by the market, including DJI. Not since Wang visited, and tried to buy, 3DR was DJI scared of a competitor. Yuneec, Autel, Parrot are all great products IMO and do many things better than DJI but have not had an affect on DJI.

So I'm not scared away at all, I embrace this new technology and will give SD a chance. What they are doing is bold and the only thing that will shake up the status quo which is DJI repackaging current and old technology. It's risky but risk vs return, they may become another memory but they might spur a new generation of safe consumer drone.
You're completely right in what you say. Skydio is perched at such a unique position that it can quickly become much much more than an aerial sports action camera. With a camera that even the panel of pilots in the above video believe has a wow factor, it's destined to become a great EASY TO FLY aerial platform for all the disciplines you mention above. Right now, mostly only seasoned pilots realize what a god send its incredible OA is.... once the word spreads even a little bit further, sales are going to sky rocket even more than they already have. The best is yet to come...
Check out Billys new video. This is getting to be a disappointment, joke....... not their own controller, big issue with loosing connection, no telemetry........I'm out

Nothing in that video put me off except Billy’s usual irresponsible behavior. Flying over people in an urban environment like his previous video, beyond LOS. 3/4 mile out the SD disconnected and returned to home as it should.

Telemetry is coming; however, I have no need for a controller or telemetry because I fly safe(I’ll use the beacon) and within LOS. I have over 300 flights on my Anafi with the controller and not a single disconnect. I like the Anafi controller size and shape since I can fly with one hand. Paddles are easier to use than dials IMO and I like the boost button. Fumbling to find the sport mode switch then when in sport mode I can’t fly smooth.

I’m not defending SD it may turn out bad but I’m getting the smell of trollls.

In any case the more guys that drop out the better, maybe I’ll get mine before X-Mas?
Agree.... you can sure tell the guys about to make rash decisions. Everything Billy discussed here he had already mentioned in the 4 man panel discussion on the initial post of this thread.... looks like some didn't take the time to actual view it. Telemetry does need to be provided but I'm sure that's going to be happening quickly. Wish I were in the first batch... still kicking myself for not signing up earlier.
Check out Billys new video. This is getting to be a disappointment, joke....... not their own controller, big issue with loosing connection, no telemetry........I'm out

Why is "not their own controller" an issue. The functionality of that controller should be a bigger priority. I get my controller tomorrow, so I don't yet have first hand experience on the connection, but I will provide feedback once I do get some experience with it.

However, I personally think the telemetry issue is a non-issue. It is only a short term problem until they release an update for it in the near term. I personally would recommend not letting that short term issue hold you back. But to each their own!
And after watching Billy's review, check out Danny's for a different take.

i am really impressed with the OA capabilities of the S2. While some DJI products may be superior in some aspects, I am excited about being able to fly without the nagging fear of crashing. I was always limited in what I could do with my Mavic because I never wanted to get too close to any objects for fear of crashing. I think the S2 will be great for low skilled pilots such as myself.
i am really impressed with the OA capabilities of the S2. While some DJI products may be superior in some aspects, I am excited about being able to fly without the nagging fear of crashing. I was always limited in what I could do with my Mavic because I never wanted to get too close to any objects for fear of crashing. I think the S2 will be great for low skilled pilots such as myself.
Just the thought about "never" having to ever worry about hitting something while flying is going make even very experienced pilots smile every time they lift off.
Just the thought about "never" having to ever worry about hitting something while flying is going make even very experienced pilots smile every time they lift off.
It really does completely change how and where you fly!
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i am really impressed with the OA capabilities of the S2. While some DJI products may be superior in some aspects, I am excited about being able to fly without the nagging fear of crashing.

:ROFLMAO::rolleyes: Yea.....you keep thinking like that and you'll do well :LOL:

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