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Well Crap...


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2022
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Got a chance to really test out the 2+ beacon with my skydio 2--and it was indeed working better (not perfect) than with the old beacon...

But here is the down side, as it was going around me it had a branch strike and went down--took me 15 minutes to locate the battery. Now I get V30:Sensor issue....... Also one of the front LED's don't come on.. I assume I killed it?
I don't think it's dead, but in critical condition and may need to return to the mother ship.

Sorry that sucks.
Mother ship---lol....

It sucks but I can't be mad right--its kinda how it is

I contacted support and just uploaded the logs and now I wait. And I didn't notice there was an update...

And I was on the last leg of our longest trail out here--sooo close,lol

I don't think it would have been a big deal if it simple hit, I think the fact it was sweeping to the side pretty fast that did it.
I went thru the proper procedure and as I suspected they claimed it was not a warrantee related crash which I am ok with.. Just waiting for them to get me the shipping info and off it will go....
Mother ship---lol....

It sucks but I can't be mad right--its kinda how it is

I contacted support and just uploaded the logs and now I wait. And I didn't notice there was an update...

And I was on the last leg of our longest trail out here--sooo close,lol

I don't think it would have been a big deal if it simple hit, I think the fact it was sweeping to the side pretty fast that did it.
When the speed goes up the drone often can't see the branch before it's too late, same with wires. Every time I've crashed from clipping something the drone was going 20 mph +. It's successfully navigated through far more difficult OA environments when going real slow, it's unfortunate that's the case but I understand why and see it as one of the drone's limitations. I've started using the height floor more often to help keep it away from stuff since I never know how fast it'll be going.
I consider it a "chance" of a tree strike out there and staying above 8ft unfortunately really isn't an option for most of what I do. And this time the drone was probably 10ft up when it whacked a branch...
Yeah in and around the forest, floor height is kind of a moot point.
A question for anybody who has gone thru the process of sending there drone in for replacement/repair...
When you go thru the process do they email you a one time link for payment which I assume once you do that then you box it up and ship it?
With how scammers are today I am always weary of links being sent..
Sent it out friday and they received it today.. They said 7-10 days possible for a repair cost----3 hours later they had the cost of repair....... Gotta say that was pretty quick..........
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Got a chance to really test out the 2+ beacon with my skydio 2--and it was indeed working better (not perfect) than with the old beacon...

But here is the down side, as it was going around me it had a branch strike and went down--took me 15 minutes to locate the battery. Now I get V30:Sensor issue....... Also one of the front LED's don't come on.. I assume I killed it?
Same issue I’m having today. Crash with minor plastic cracks. Gimbal is working but can’t get past the V30 sensor problem and also like you one front led is not working.

Not a happy camper Right now.
In my opinion the new software is crap. I might get a few minutes of excellent tracking then my S2 goes brain dead, like it doesn't know where it is or it wants to be as wonders around. Through a process of elimination I took out my backup S2 with beacon and it's doing exactly the same thing. I've had several close calls where the S2 is trying to find the subject then when it does it dives in at the subject and has almost contacted my vehicle, in fact once it did.

I'm really hoping there will be new software to address this, the early software worked so much better for me, others may have a different experience.
I contacted Skydio through their website so hopefully we can get this thing fixed. I need this to follow UTV trail riding for my business advertising.

My Mini 2 has been great for 2 years. But I have to fly it! No follow me feature or obstacle avoidance.
In my opinion the new software is crap. I might get a few minutes of excellent tracking then my S2 goes brain dead, like it doesn't know where it is or it wants to be as wonders around. Through a process of elimination I took out my backup S2 with beacon and it's doing exactly the same thing. I've had several close calls where the S2 is trying to find the subject then when it does it dives in at the subject and has almost contacted my vehicle, in fact once it did.

I'm really hoping there will be new software to address this, the early software worked so much better for me, others may have a different experience.
I haven't used it since the update except once and it did ok after a little weirdness. Don't know if this is true but I've read in a post somewhere where one of the recent update changed the GPS (duh). One of the things mentioned was they increased the # of gps satellites needed to get ready to launch among other things. I wonder if this is tied in to the upcoming new regs they have to conform to. It's definitely done some things that I've never seen it do when trying to find a subject right after launch. When the drone first came out that aspect was solid, there were some other issues but I don't think I ever launched where it didn't turn around and stop, pointing at me. I've had someone in the group leave at that point and the drone took off following them but it never did that weird thing I've seen now, flying around just after launch sort of with a mind of it's own. For me that was the first of 3 launches, the other 2 were normal. Fingers crossed that's it but I've been here before.

If it does it again one thing I want to try is push the blue button and try and wand it a little. For my that's always been the best way to get the drone's attention.
Once it enters drunken sailor mode pressing the blue button and wanding it doesn't help much.

It makes sense the issue is related to GPS, when my S2 goes brain dead its in GPS mode most of the time. It won't lock onto the subject 10 feet away with high contrast and perfect conditions.

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