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Another Update?


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Wiki Editor
Nov 20, 2019
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I was planning on filming some riding today and powered up the drone at home like I usually do and it's installing another update. I just did the last one about 2 weeks ago.

The drone is showing ver. 19.0.50
The app ver. is 19.0.44
The connection status show 16 satellites inside the house. I noticed there's now a WiFi channel selection screen, giving the choice of Auto, and various channels between 36~165. That may be from the prev update and I didn't catch it. The update also included the beacon.

Anyone heard anything about this latest one?
Same here, powered up last night or this morning can’t remember. Called for an update, my previous update was recently 1-2 weeks back. Did the quick update today or last night, mine is like yours showing same. Using TripLtek 8 Pro an Android.

19.0.50 drone
19.0.50 beacon
19.0.44 for app

On another note, not related. Have noticed much greater signal strength this past month, with controller.

The band selection has been there about a month or so, Auto or select your own. Defaults back to auto when powering up each time.

Keep those dirt bike videos coming 👍
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I flew it today with mixed results, for the most part it did great but on the second flight when I launched it had what appeared to be a mind of it's own. As soon as it took off it flew about 1/8 of a mile away. I was in a safe open area so I did some testing and what appears to have happened was one of the GPSs was off by an 1/8th of a mile. It was pretty far away and staying that way, Instead of being 100' or 200' off it stayed 1/8th of a mile best estimate and shadowed me from that distance. I think that what Dmac had happen. I told it to stop with the beacon, rode over to it, wanded it around a little to make sure I had a connection then told it to follow which it did for the remainder of the battery. During that same launch it forgot the beacon's pw on the app and asked me for it so something was going on. Next flight it remembered the pw. I've had it do that fly off always once before, that time I landed and power cycled everything. This time I recovered by stopping the drone getting close and having the beacon tell the drone to move.
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Now looks like Version19.0.54 as of April 21 for the Skydio 2/2+ Vehicle Software. I don't have it yet...
Android and IOS app versions remain the same.
Just 'Bug Fixes' as usual.
The connectivity seemed worse to me after .50 update of the vehicle software, I saw some odd behavior but once I was able to get it up and locked on the subject it worked pretty well, not as good as I'm used to but I could live with it.
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The connectivity seemed worse to me after .50 update of the vehicle software, I saw some odd behavior but once I was able to get it up and locked on the subject it worked pretty well, not as good as I'm used to but I could live with it.
then we hope that the .54 version will fix this connectivity problem :cool:
I always have hopes the updates will improve things, it's not always been the case though. I'm just as worried they mess something up that's currently working well. I'd test it out but we're in for high winds for the next few days.
Now looks like Version19.0.54 as of April 21 for the Skydio 2/2+ Vehicle Software. I don't have it yet...
Android and IOS app versions remain the same.
Just 'Bug Fixes' as usual.
Completed the update this morning, I know it’s probably me. Had a hard time reconnecting, Finally connected all three appears good to go. Pared beacon, and controller after updating drone.

Hopefully, Run a flight soon to see how it reacts.

Just wish I’d eventually get a good grasp of doing the updates, Tend to struggle with updates especially with Skydio.

Happy Skydio flying,
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Mise à jour terminée ce matin, je sais que c'est probablement moi. J'ai eu du mal à me reconnecter, enfin connecté tous les trois semblent prêts à partir. Balise épurée et contrôleur après la mise à jour du drone.

Espérons que, devenez un vol bientôt pour voir comment il réagit.

J'aimerais juste que je finisse par bien comprendre comment faire les mises à jour, j'ai tendance à avoir du mal avec les mises à jour, en particulier avec Skydio.

Bon vol Skydio,
Here's what I do: Connect your phone to the drone, in info made the update.
When it's done, close the app on your phone. Open the beacon (do not connect it with a wire to the drone) wait a bit, it will update itself. once it's done, close the beacon, open the controller connected to the drone with USB-Cable and the light will start flashing green, when it stops flashing it's over. Close the controller, take the battery charger, put a battery in, connect it to the drone with the USB-C wire. If the light is green and it flashes, there is an update. When the light stays green and it no longer flashes, it's over.
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I did some flying yesterday to further test the new update, my last flight got what I call "the weird GPS offset". For some reason the drone thought I was about 800' away from my actual location. I shadowed me at that distance obviously using an incorrect GPS fix. At the time I was with some others and just packed up the drone. Yesterday I took the drone out to my proving grounds, a really nice area with few trees and obstacles that I can easily see what the drone is doing. Wouldn't you know it, the four flights were perfect, no connection issues, disconnects or weird behavior. I wish it always worked this well.

I think I've got a good routine going for the initial connection and re-connections during a battery change. Previously I had this process down to a point it was pretty smooth but battery changes were time consuming and the whole process became problematic after some of the recent updates. I typically fly with the beacon but use the app to speed up the GPS lock.

Here's what I've started doing; First I power up the drone, then the beacon, at that point I start packing up the case and getting stuff put away before launching. I have the app open on the phone but not connected to anything, the phone is set to "not" auto connect to the drone or beacon, that's kind of important. Once the case is packed up the beacon says something like getting GPS data, at that point I go into the phone's wifi and tell it to connect to the beacon. I then mute the screen on the phone and stick it in my pocket. By the time I get my gloves on less then an min later it's ready to launch. At that point I spin up the props and go flying.

When I stop for a battery I recover the drone but I don't power it down. Instead I get the new battery out and ready. First I power off the beacon, then power down the drone, swap the battery and immediately power it back up as well as the beacon, I go into the app and tell it to reconnect to the beacon and again stick the phone in my pocket. By the time I've got my gloves on it's ready to launch. It was less then a min from the time I powered down the drone to when it's ready to fly again. It was very consistent, I performed this 3 times and it acted the same each time. For me it means allot less fiddling around getting the drone ready to fly and I waste less battery while the drone is sitting there getting a GPS fix.

Anyway I thought I'd pass that along in case other are having the same situation.
No complaints with how it flew, tracked and operated. I took it easy on this ride mostly just cruising the desert. It seems to do better the more I fly it following an update and an easy solo ride in the desert is a good way to do that. I flew for 4 batteries worth so it was a success. Not too exciting of a video though, we were having 20mph winds and I didn't want to lose the connection. This was shot out in what I refer to as my skydio proving grounds, easy tracking for the drone to deal with, enough obstacles to test the OA, if it goes down it's mostly sand.

The previous flight I started filming right off in a tricky canyon area, just after the last update. When the GPS faked out it wasn't easy to get the drone back since it thought "back" was about 800' away.

This is more what I'm used to:
The last update was working well for me. Shortly after I downloaded it this new update came out.

Like you I am experiencing some odd behavior. It seems to track well for the most part but randomly it will "lose its mind" and fly hundreds of feet away. GPS offset? I don't know what's up other than when it tracks it tracks well.
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The last update was working well for me. Shortly after I downloaded it this new update came out.

Like you I am experiencing some odd behavior. It seems to track well for the most part but randomly it will "lose its mind" and fly hundreds of feet away. GPS offset? I don't know what's up other than when it tracks it tracks well.
I refer to it as the GPS offset because the 3 times when it's done this, the drone will continue to shadow me but from a much greater distance, I was out on my bicycle one of the times so I was able to watch what it was doing closely. It's obviously using GPS tracking but instead of 20' is was 800' away. I pushed the RTH and select phone and it will go to the incorrect location, I can't see it being anything but a GPS error. For me it's always been the first flight of the day and it typically follows problems getting the phone sync'd up to the beacon.

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