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Audio from an iphone


Jan 30, 2021
Reaction score
I've read some of the earlier discussions around iPhone audio.

Yesterday I ran 6 tests and got audio on 2 of the 6.

Today I flew and didn't get audio at all (but I was using the beacon).

Can somebody tell me what the latest status is with syncing audio from the iPhone? Does it work with the beacon? Is it reliable?
I don’t believe it works with the beacon, only your phone. You need to go to the media page after you land and allow it to synchronize before you power down the drone post flight
I've read some of the earlier discussions around iPhone audio.

Yesterday I ran 6 tests and got audio on 2 of the 6.

Today I flew and didn't get audio at all (but I was using the beacon).

Can somebody tell me what the latest status is with syncing audio from the iPhone? Does it work with the beacon? Is it reliable?
As of this post, audio record is NOT available for iOS devices.

I am surprised. I read somewhere that Apple users had access to the actual recording directly on their phone but that Android users had to root their phone to get access. All this time I have been jealous of iOS users getting access to the audio files recorded on their phones........Jackie

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