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Nov 20, 2019
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I powered up the SD2 to format the SD card tonight and it updated to 5.41.84 . Then I connected the beacon and it updated also. Previous update 5.41.77 supplied telemetry which I already had. Anyone know what this firmware change addresses?
Upgraded firmware before I flew this morning. It would be nice if Skydio had some release notes for there firmware upgrades like DJI. It flew well after the update.
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I flew today and noticed there was now a switch to turn on or off telemetry on the screen. Not sure if that was there with the telemetry update. The main difference I noticed was when connected with the beacon ( I always open the app to manually control who the drone locks onto). Now the app shows a ring and says GPS tracking. Maybe that was there before, If so I never saw it and have flown allot with the beacon. Tracking seemed to be better.
I powered up the SD2 to format the SD card tonight and it updated to 5.41.84 . Then I connected the beacon and it updated also. Previous update 5.41.77 supplied telemetry which I already had. Anyone know what this firmware change addresses?
You mean 5.41.81, right?
Here's what my Skydio 2 app showed me as the changes in this firmware release:
So according to that, no improvements to the autonomy engine were made, which is disappointing.
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You mean 5.41.81, right?
Here's what my Skydio 2 app showed me as the changes in this firmware release:
View attachment 47
So according to that, no improvements to the autonomy engine were made, which is disappointing.
May I ask where you saw this screen? I clicked on my Skydio under info and then clicked check for updates. I never saw this screen.
That's a bit weird, I had telemetry before 4.41.81. Maybe it required a tweak.
Will be interesting to see how the Raws are now, before they were really not usable for anything.
I powered up the SD2 to format the SD card tonight and it updated to 5.41.84 . Then I connected the beacon and it updated also. Previous update 5.41.77 supplied telemetry which I already had. Anyone know what this firmware change addresses?

Hi...I received the firmware (vs5.41.84) update as well. Here's a screen shot ..what's updated seems to only appear within the firmware update on your phone. Fortunatly, I did a screen capture and appears the user "stefanonwheels"
also left the information above in this thread as well.



  • FirmWare5_41_84-xxx.png
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