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Subject out of frame when tracking

Jun 25, 2021
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Hello Folks:

This is my first post, as I am both a new Skydio 2 owner and forum memeber. So far I'm loving my Skydio, and the anxiety while flying it as reduced somewhat thanks to it's - so far - good obsticle avoidance.

That said, I have noticed a curious problem with my S2. I will launch and set it to follow the beacon via drag and drop. Once it's positioned - usually at max range and above any trees (I'm still working up to tracking through trees), and using FIXED tracking, I will ride off at moderate speed (35kmh/20mph). However, while it tracks me, I am rarely in the frame, and if I am in the frame, I will be right at the edge or bottom. That is, the camera is always slighty ahead of me, or slightly behind me...

I am not using the app to select me visually, just the beacon's GPS. Any hints to rectify this and centre the tracking subject in the frame would be much appreciated.

Cheers BMR

Post some video of what your describing.... we might see something that can help you.
Hello Folks:

This is my first post, as I am both a new Skydio 2 owner and forum memeber. So far I'm loving my Skydio, and the anxiety while flying it as reduced somewhat thanks to it's - so far - good obsticle avoidance.

That said, I have noticed a curious problem with my S2. I will launch and set it to follow the beacon via drag and drop. Once it's positioned - usually at max range and above any trees (I'm still working up to tracking through trees), and using FIXED tracking, I will ride off at moderate speed (35kmh/20mph). However, while it tracks me, I am rarely in the frame, and if I am in the frame, I will be right at the edge or bottom. That is, the camera is always slighty ahead of me, or slightly behind me...

I am not using the app to select me visually, just the beacon's GPS. Any hints to rectify this and centre the tracking subject in the frame would be much appreciated.

Cheers BMR
Anxiety...for sure. I've watched mine wind through some trees...pretty amazing, but yeah...once mine got stuck and I didn't know until I stopped and it was AWOL. Major uh ohhh!

I suggest a new pilot review recovery and finding techniques before one needs it. A lost drone with a dying battery is kinda disconcerting!

To answer your question, I suspect you are actually out of range for optical lock (the beacon has an icon that tells you how its following) and since the beacon's gps isn't great, it is following you via inaccurate coordinates, hence why its off a little.

I suggest a test.

Get your phone connected to the beacon and carry it too and try same distance. I bet it will be better...but outside of optical lock I don't think it will be as accurate as with optical lock.

Test 2, no phone, but closer to you (try distance 2 via the beacon's + sign). The 3rd is about max per their instructions.

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