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What size MicroSD cards?


Nov 20, 2021
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Sorry if this has been covered. Search wasn't getting me there.

How much recording time do the common MicroSD cards hold? I'm looking to buy a bunch of them. I'd rather have several smaller ones than just a few big ones for redundancy and safety. If one got buggered I'd lose less footage. Idealy I'd like a size that would hold 3 batteries of footage. That seems like a good size. After 3 batteries I'm usually done for the day.

Thanks for any info you can share.
Sorry if this has been covered. Search wasn't getting me there.

How much recording time do the common MicroSD cards hold? I'm looking to buy a bunch of them. I'd rather have several smaller ones than just a few big ones for redundancy and safety. If one got buggered I'd lose less footage. Idealy I'd like a size that would hold 3 batteries of footage. That seems like a good size. After 3 batteries I'm usually done for the day.

Thanks for any info you can share.

Unlike DJI, the file recorded by Skydio 2 will be a continuous file instead of many 4GB files.

Of course, you can also get a lot of small fragment files. The method is very simple, just switch off the automatic recording and switch to the manual recording mode.

As for the size of the memory card, the most common and best P/C ratio is 128GB.

In addition to capacity, you also have to pay attention to the speed of the memory card. It has some minimum requirements to achieve better recording quality.
Got it. So, seems safe to say that I could get 3 batteries worth (about an hour) on a 64g?
Got it. So, seems safe to say that I could get 3 batteries worth (about an hour) on a 64g?

Theoretically, that would work. But there's other reasons to go with the 128Gb besides price. As for the recommended Sandisk Extreme card, the 128 has a rated 90 Mbps write speed compared to the 64s 60 Mbps.

When recording high quality, high resolution video, it's all about how fast the card can write without becoming overwhelmed.
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I use a 128G class 10 scandisk extreme card and routinely shoot 5 batteries worth of 4K HDR video running the entire time the drone is flying. I've done 6 flights on occasion but I never looked to see how much space is left. According to Skydio it'll take a 256G card but I use those in my GoPro. I've often gone to places where I was filming on multiple days before being able to access a computer, I've always used a separate card for each day. I could use a 256 for that but my GoPro uses allot of memory so I save the big cards for that and use my 128s that I had for the SD2. It's worked very well. Don't forget to slide another formatted card in the SD case, I slide it under the edge of the lids foam in a sd case. Invariably you'll go to shoot one day and the card will be at home in your computer, having an extra around makes sure you didn't haul the drone around for nothing. It's also there in the event the card dies.
Really good idea to get another card and tuck it somewhere in the case as a backup, hmm. My Fuji camera also uses these so even more of a reason to have backups. Thanks for the heads up!

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