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Android app wifi connection problem (Issue Answered by Skydio)

Open Roader

Dec 25, 2020
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Hello S.P.

Just received the S2. Arrived with beacon. The issue I have is, none of the three Android cell phones I have will see the wifi signal during the app set up process. However, my laptop sees it and will connect via wifi and so will an older Samsung tablet running android.

I was able to get through the process with an older iPhone and get the app, beacon and S2 connected and fly. But the iPhone is my wife's.

My main android phone is a Samsung J2

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Possibly this?
Possibly this?
Thanks for the reply, had a look at this thread and checked my settings for accessibility. Unfortunately, I have a different issue. I did check and all my accessibility settings are off.

For whatever reason, none of my android phones show the Skydio in the wifi settings list. So when I am trying to make the wifi connection, it's not giving me the option.
Issue Explained by Skydio

Basically, I have 3 "Unlocked" Android cell phones that I purchased from overseas (out of USA)

From John at Skydio - "Skydio 2 is designed to work with Wifi in the US and Canada only and unfortunately Skydio 2 will not be able to connect to some international devices. Essentially the Skydio 2 uses 5.8Ghz and phones made in China, for China markets do not support the frequency that Skydio 2 uses to connect and stream data. So Good news is there is nothing wrong with your Skydio 2, bad news the devices are not compatible."
Issue Explained by Skydio

Basically, I have 3 "Unlocked" Android cell phones that I purchased from overseas (out of USA)

From John at Skydio - "Skydio 2 is designed to work with Wifi in the US and Canada only and unfortunately Skydio 2 will not be able to connect to some international devices. Essentially the Skydio 2 uses 5.8Ghz and phones made in China, for China markets do not support the frequency that Skydio 2 uses to connect and stream data. So Good news is there is nothing wrong with your Skydio 2, bad news the devices are not compatible."
Search XDA, perhaps you can flash different FW on the device to switch the region to international.
If hardware doesn't support US frequencies nothing can be done. Reflash won't change the hardware.

Yesterday I tried to use Samsung A10 and A21 to connect to S2 and had another issue related to use interface of phones probably - there were so many networks around that I was not able to select it's WiFi. Was not able to solve on A10 but on A21 moving to another room and entering manually WiFi into phone has helped.
If hardware doesn't support US frequencies nothing can be done. Reflash won't change the hardware.

Yesterday I tried to use Samsung A10 and A21 to connect to S2 and had another issue related to use interface of phones probably - there were so many networks around that I was not able to select it's WiFi. Was not able to solve on A10 but on A21 moving to another room and entering manually WiFi into phone has helped.
Wifi is rarely different and FW will enable what is location appropriate or unlock everything, we are not talking cell network support here.
Well I appreciate the info if it would work but tried all of these and still will not connect to server I have tried contacting company direct and they say nothing. Had one individual say they would move it to there Teir 2/3 Techs.
Me I think I just want my money back you put up the $900 and then sight un seen drop another $600 on bats controller and charger and you cant evan get them to answer their phone or acknowledge you are the customer. I am not impressed with this Company
Interesting read. I am having exactly the same issue with my Samsung Note 10. My HP can see the SD network but my phone can't. My phone is an international version so this explains everything.

I have a friend with a USA spec Note 20 and will see if the SD will connect to his phone.

Pity that SD seems so unresponsive. Have also sent emails and chatted them without and response.
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So I just got back from a friend's place to try out the SD. He has an unlocked US Samsung Note 20 and and iPhone 11.

The Samsung could not connect, even though it was a US version. It would not even see the SD network or that of the Beacon I have. So we tried the iPhone.

Connected instantly and ran the software update for the SD and Beacon. I had thought that perhaps the update of the SD will make it visible on more frequencies....no joy.

So it seems some android phones are not supported.
So I just got back from a friend's place to try out the SD. He has an unlocked US Samsung Note 20 and and iPhone 11.

The Samsung could not connect, even though it was a US version. It would not even see the SD network or that of the Beacon I have. So we tried the iPhone.

Connected instantly and ran the software update for the SD and Beacon. I had thought that perhaps the update of the SD will make it visible on more frequencies....no joy.

So it seems some android phones are not supported.
I did use Note 20 Utra (snapdragon version) and it was working fine
Interesting read. I am having exactly the same issue with my Samsung Note 10. My HP can see the SD network but my phone can't. My phone is an international version so this explains everything.

I have a friend with a USA spec Note 20 and will see if the SD will connect to his phone.

Pity that SD seems so unresponsive. Have also sent emails and chatted them without and response.
Yes, the service is rapidly going downhill recently, many complaints from people.
I did use Note 20 Utra (snapdragon version) and it was working fine
So I asked my friend to find out using the app CPU-Z...and Yes, his is a Snapdragon 865 3.09Ghz model....unlike mine which is a Exynos 9825 2.73Ghz model...

Neither could even see the SD network. My HP Elitebook sees the SD network though so I just don't understand what's going on!!!
So I asked my friend to find out using the app CPU-Z...and Yes, his is a Snapdragon 865 3.09Ghz model....unlike mine which is a Exynos 9825 2.73Ghz model...

Neither could even see the SD network. My HP Elitebook sees the SD network though so I just don't understand what's going on!!!
Hm, strange

Hm, strange

So I have been searching the internet and found a suggestion to start the phone is "Safe mode" and look for the SD network! Oh Joy as I can now see the Skydio2 network in safe mode... so that tells me the issue is not a Hardware problem.

Seems I have some app that is preventing my phone from seeing the SD.

Now comes the tedious process of deleting apps to find the one that is interfering.

Will update as I make progress.
I really couldn't find the app that seems to be causing me not to see the SD WIFI network.

So what I did was connect to to the SD wifi network in Safe Mode, then switch Safe Mode off and as the phone re-started, open the Skydio 2 app. That way I was able to fly for a few minutes so that seems to be OK.

Another thing I observed was that every time I went into Safe Mode, the phone would got into "Flight Mode" ...so I need to find out if it's my GSM that's shutting down the WIFI...I have a dead battery now so will update us as I continue to find out what's up. For now, I am re-installing the apps I uninstalled.
Feeling a bit lazy to read through the thread so I'm sorry if this has been said already. When I was having connection issues it came down to a VPN I was using. Once disabled, everything was working fine.
Feeling a bit lazy to read through the thread so I'm sorry if this has been said already. When I was having connection issues it came down to a VPN I was using. Once disabled, everything was working fine.

Thanks for the suggestion. Not VPN though. Don't have any installed.

Put the phone in "Flight mode" with WIFI on and still no joy. Also went into "Revovery Mode" and "Cleared cache" and still no joy!

Its really very strange.

Will keep on digging to find an answer.

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